Walk Bike Ride South Orange (WBRSO)

Advocating for pedestrians, cyclists, traffic calming, and public transit in South Orange, NJ


To learn more, come to a meeting or event, subscribe to our email list, or contact us!


Subscribe to our mailing list and get emails ~twice a month about our meetings, events, ways to get involved, and local pedestrian/bicycling news!

Join a Meeting

We always welcome new volunteers and community input!

Walk Bike Ride South Orange meets the third Monday night of each month virtually (video conference). 

Meetings are public and open to all, including Maplewood residents.

Quarterly, we have a hybrid virtual/in person meeting, where some folks attend in person at the Baird Community Center (5 Mead St, South Orange).

See Village Calendar for meeting details, including the virtual WebEx link.

View past meeting agenda and minutes here.

Contact Us

Email us at walkbikerideso@gmail.com

Follow us on Social Media



Report a Concern

Submit a Report a Concern online to notify South Orange Village of issues in need of attention, such as potholes, malfunctioning lights, unsafe sidewalks and roadways, etc.

Connect Online

Walk & Bike SOMA, a Facebook group to discuss and promote walkability and bikeability issues in both Maplewood and South Orange.